Tree Book

In LA over the past month we have been working on a project where we are creating a tree book and putting pieces of writing inside. To create this book we went through a process of screen printing the covers of our book, akua ink printing plants we collected, cutting covers out into trees, collaging with the printed plants, and adding our writing to the book. This was all possible with help from an artist called Ms. Gignoux, here is a link to her website: . Creating this book was a fun mix of writing and art that I have never done anything like before, and I enjoyed it. Here are the writing pieces I made along with more photos of the finished book.


Branches, Reaching Toward the Sky

My Wish Tree


In my life I wish to get an A on my Pre-Al exam. This is important to me because Pre-al is challenging and getting an A on the exam would make me happy. I wish to play soccer throughout middle school, high school and maybe college. This is important to me because I enjoy playing soccer and it is good exercise as well. I wish to make the DA JV tennis team next year. This is important to me because making the team will be a challenge and I enjoy playing tennis. I wish to have a pet someday. This is important to me because I love animals and have always wanted a pet.I wish to maintain good grades (A and above) throughout middle school and high school. This is important to me because getting good grades in middle school and high school can help me get into a good college and can help me learn about different topics. I wish to go to college and graduate. This is important to me because going to and graduating college will help me get a good job and help me learn about life. I wish to get a good job that I enjoy. This is important to me because having a good job can help me make money and start a family. I wish to learn a right brained activity. This is important to me because I have always been creative and have been interested in different subjects besides school. I wish to travel to many different countries. This is important to me because I enjoy traveling and seeing new places. I wish to be remembered as a great person. This is important to me because being a kind and positive person will make others happy and having a good reputation is important to me.


    I wish that in our world that our oceans and our air could have no pollution and that everyone could breathe clean air. I wish that everyone could have access to health care and vaccines and shots so they could be free of sickness. I wish that every person could come home to a warm place to sleep away from the cold and the rain. I wish that people would not have to fear violence of any kind and could live life knowing they are safe. And I wish that every empty stomach could be filled.




  1. My Dad has had a huge impact on my life. He has many characteristics that I look up to such as, hard working, caring and kindness. But the characteristics that make him a role model to me the most are his selflessness and his work ethic. These traits have always made me look up to him as a father and an example. He has also accomplished many things that I really admire such as playing soccer all throughout high school, going to college, becoming a graduate of law school, and getting a good job. Thank you Dad.


  1. My Mom has had a huge impact on my life. She has always supported  me with anything I do, in school, sports, or any interest I might have. She has always been so much fun to be around and can make anything small a lot of fun through her constant energy and excitement. My mom has been an encouraging role model and has always been very caring and kind. Thank you Mom.


  1. My Grandma or Nan has had a huge impact on my life. I have always looked up to her because of her constant kindness, selflessness, loving and caring nature. One thing that I really admire about her is how she always puts others before herself and tries to make everybody happy. She has always been so supportive of me. She has come to as many sports games and school events as possible. I really feel lucky to have someone like her in my life. Thank you Nan.


  1. My brother has had a huge impact on my life. He has always been a role model for me through school, sports, and everyday life. He has always cared for me and been a lot of fun to be around because of his happy energy. I am grateful that I am his brother. Thank you Miles.

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